Treating Both Mind and Body for Cancer Patients

Media Resources

Bob Hallinan

Executive Producer

Office: (913) 588-7284

Cell: (913)-481-7329


          At 36, Amy Asher had it all…a young daughter, loving husband and successful career. But that all came to a screeching halt when she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. After a double mastectomy, the removal of her ovaries and uterus and numerous rounds of chemo she thought she had it beat. But getting back to work, mothering and settling in the new normal was proving difficult for Amy emotionally. There’s anxiety associated with cancer treatment and for many it can lead to depression.

Amy came to see Dr. Jessica Hamilton, who works with patients in the Onco- Psychology Program at the University of Kansas Cancer Center. Patients like Amy, who are going through treatment, chemo, and injections for pain…deal with the body…but it takes an emotional toll as well. Symptoms like depression and anxiety came back in full force when just months after thinking she was in the clear…Amy was told her cancer was back…and it was stage 4.

In the video, Dr. Jessica Hamilton explains why it’s so important to treat the whole patient, not just the specific disease. She describes how she’s helping Amy focus on things besides the cancer and get through her fear in a healthy way. One of those focuses is her daughter, and helping Amy be the best mom she can be.

Also in the video, Amy Asher talks about her journey through the first and second diagnosis of cancer. She says the help from the Onco-Psychology program and Dr. Hamilton has been amazing, and is letting her live life to the fullest. She says it’s been the key to her mental survival.

The video also includes pictures of the family together in various activities.